Hey everyone!
This week was a really good week for me. I am feeling a lot more confident with Japanese and teaching investigators. I am bringing less and less materials to every lesson which is a big step. I'm working hard everyday and I'm learning so much about the gospel, Japanese and being a missionary. I'm also learning very important things about being successful in life and this mission will be really rewarding in that aspect.
I hope all is well back home. Actually I know all is well because BYU is winning! I really wish I could see the team play especially after hearing how much we killed Texas on their home turf. This should be a fun season and I hope you all enjoy it and let me in on how we are doing. The first home game is tonight and I will be in class while they play. I might be able to hear some things because we are so close to the stadium.
So my mom asked me to share 'a day in the life of Elder Lamoreaux' so i will try to give a good overview right now.
The alarm goes off bright and early at 6:30 every morning. I get up, brush my teeth and get ready for gym time at 6:40. During gym time, we can go to the gym and play Basketball, Volleyball, or Four Square. I usually play Volleyball, but when I want to get a good workout in, I play Basketball. when i want to cool down, I play Four Square. Four Square is competitive in the MTC. Sometimes, we go out to the field by the Temple and play soccer, or sand volleyball. I feel like I am really improving on my volleyball skills so when I get back, we are going to play a lot of volleyball :)
Gym time ends at 7:30 so we get ready for Breakfast at 8:00. After breakfast, which is usually cereal, bagels, or eggs, sausage, even biscuits and gravy. at 8:30 we have a daily planning session where we plan our day and what we will study in Personal or Companion Study. We have to focus on the investigators that we are teaching and base our study based on their needs. Then at 9:00 we have personal study where we can go outside and enjoy the day and study on the nice benches on the campus of the MTC. then at 10:00, companionship study. 11:00 Language study, where I mostly review Vocab words and Grammar patterns and Speaking. Then we have "Additional Study time" at 12:00. Our district is now Mogi-ing (Role playing) and I feel that is helping a lot. then we have lunch at 12:50. Lunch is anything from a salad to hambergers and even hot wings sometimes. After lunch we have TALL time which is time given to us to use the computer language learning system for the MTC. I'll be honest, that is super boring.
Then at 2:30, we have classroom time. The teachers come and they speak in nothing but Japanese and we learn Japanese things for about an hour. then we learn gospel related things, still in Japanese. we learn things like teaching people, service and knowing why we are here and what we need to do to help our investigators. then the next hour, the people who are assigned to teach lessons teach their investigators while the others have more additional study time.
Then we have dinner which is always the best meal of the day. They have such gourmet things (at least i think its good. others don't think that highly of the food and i think they're crazy). After that, at 6:30 we have more class time which is the same exact thing as the afternoon class. Then at 9:30, we head back to our residence where we get ready for bed, hang out, joke around, eat snacks, write in our journal until 10:15 where the MTC gives us "Personal Devotional with the Lord" time, where everyone should be quiet in order for us to read the scriptures, pray, think about the day, and to calm down for bed. Then at 10:30 it's lights out and we sleep then do it all again..
There are differences depending on what day it is, but this is the normal schedule. on Tuesdays, instead of having the evening class time, we have the Tuesday Evening Devotionals, which are always so great. This week, there was a buzz that a general authority or one from the First Presidency would speak to us because the First Presidency and 6 of the Quorum of the Twelve were at BYU that day. Everyone was so excited all day but none of them showed up. A member of the seventy spoke. It was still a great talk but it was a little disappointing.
On Wednesday mornings, we have service, where we clean buildings around the MTC. and the past couple weeks we hosted the new missionaries coming in and that was fun.
On Saturday mornings we wake up earlier because we have service at 6:15. That's always a party! (not)
Sundays are completely different. We have a ton of study time that is centered around the gospel. We have a temple walk with our branch where we walk around the temple and can take pictures and enjoy the beauty of the temple and the mountains that I will miss so much. And we have Sacrament meeting at 2:45 which is mostly in Japanese which is really cool. Then we have a Sunday Evening Devotional which is always cool as well.
Thursdays are P-Days so we have a lot of free time. We wake up and do laundry around 7:00. Then we print out emails so we can read them throughout the day, since they only give us 60 minutes to be on the computer for email. Then we usually play in the gym or the field or take a nap (like today) Then we have lunch then we go to the temple for endowments or initiatories or sealings. We can't do baptisms though which I think is a little strange. then around 4:00 we email. Then there's dinner and then normal evening class time.
So there you have it. "A day in the life of Elder Lamoreaux" Busy days right?
I've also been asked questions about my district and who they are/what they're like, but that's going to have to come next week because I'm running out of time. I'll also send some stories like inside jokes that we have because we already have a lot. Have a great week!
Elder Lamoreaux
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