We currently have a part member family that we are teaching. Tom is a less-active member who is doing awesome. Donna is the investigator. She already calls herself Mormon. She understands most of the Doctrine and is on fire right now. She had some concerns when we first started teaching her but we have done a great job in overcoming them and helping her understand. She has had less and less concerns that she has brought up with us. Tom and Donna have a 16 year old daughter named Haley. She is disabled and in a wheel chair. Tom and Donna are not technically married. If they were to get married they would lose medical benefits for their daughter. I don't understand it all but pretty much we either have to find a loop-hole or wait until Haley turns 18 for them to get married. Donna can't be baptized until her and Tom are married. This last Saturday we rounded up all of the less-actives we could and even one non-member and we built a giant ramp for Haley's wheel chair. President Gerber has done all sorts of construction and home repair things so he made up the plans for this ramp and we finally got to do it Saturday. We arrived at 8:00 in the morning and ended at 8:30 at night. The only time we stopped working was to eat lunch. President Gerber did not stop to take a break. He ate a slice of pizza while he was sawing different pieces of wood for the ramp. We were all working hard but I have never seen a man work as hard as I saw President Gerber working. He never walked. He was basically running all day long. It was great to spend so much time with him. We had a lot of work to do that day, not just on the ramp. We were on exchanges that day so the missionary I was with didn't know any of the people there. I was able to have very good conversations with the Less-active members there and I found some things that I had in common with the Non-member. He is really into restoration work for cars and so I was able to talk about that with him while we worked. We also talked a lot about welding. President Gerber really hit it off with him as well.
We still don't have snow here yet which is very strange for Michigan. It's suppose to be a very mild winter compared to last year. It's not suppose to stay like this for long however. I tried on the suit! I wore it for church on Sunday but forgot to take pictures for you. Sorry! It fits perfect though. It's strange to wear a suit that I can't fit an extra person inside with me:)
I love you all!
Elder Lamoreaux

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